Ibis budget Grenoble Sud Seyssins

  • 2 stars
  • Vercors
  • Drac
  • Chambre Triplle
  • Entrée
  • Salle petit déjeuner
  • ;chambre
  • Petit déjeuner
  • Petit déjeuner
VercorsDracChambre TriplleEntréeSalle petit déjeuner;chambrePetit déjeunerPetit déjeuner
Ibis budget Grenoble Sud Seyssins is ideally located 5 minutes by car from Grenoble city centre and at the foot of the Vercors mountain range and on the way to the national park "les écrins" and ski resorts of Oisans.
Ibis budget Grenoble Sud Seyssins , the smart accommodation choice! Choose to stay in a welcoming and modern room created for your travels. Each room is designed to accommodate 1, 2 or 3 people and has air conditionning, a shower, toilets and satellite TV - everything at a very affordable price. Start your day with a delicious breakfast that won't break the bank! Welcoming you 24/7
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 45.158639
Longitude : 5.698014
Tramway C, stop Prisme - Bus line C6 stop Seyssins Rondeau
Road access: A480 exit Seyssins
Distance from Grenoble by kilometer: 5km